The church voted yesterday, and extended to him a call as pastor. (I don't know why ministry terminology is so cryptic.) He accepted, and we are now in the village that we now consider home. Well, Edwin isn't. He's trekking to Alabama for all of our earthly belongings.
(Hey, wait a minute! Did she say village?) Yes, that's right. Small towns in this neck of the woods are called villages. I, of course, find this utterly adorable. I would like to see the scale for what's a village, what's a town, and what's a city. The villages here would be towns in Alabama, and the towns would be relatively major metropolitan areas. I guess that in comparison to New York City, it's hard to consider anything a city.
Well, DeLaynie starts school for the third time in 2009. I have to admit, though, this new beginning is a little more anxious for me. It's a public school, which is a new experience for the Attaway fam. I can accept that, though. It's the sheer amount of time that she'll be away from me. She will attend a special education program from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. That's 30 hours+ every week! I'm not so sure I'm going to breeze through this transition, though I am absolutely positive she is going to adore her new schedule. It's a very good program, and I know that it will enable her to make lots of developmental strides. But I'm still going to miss my baby.
I hope to get some pics posted this week. Things have been pretty crazy, so I just haven't thought about it too much, but I have every intention of snapping plenty of shots of my girls this week.
Allow me to say how grateful I am for this new adventure! We love the people here, and we are extremely excited about the work God is planning for the area. Keep praying for us and the lost of North Country.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago