This year, DeLaynie was a princess. She's thoroughly enamored with the idea, so it was a good fit for her. She absolutely loves getting dressed up.
Ella was a dragon. I thought that it was a good fit with the princess, and Ella loves to give a good, "Roar!"
As is our custom, we went to the community center early so Edwin could set up for the fall festival and the girls could get some alone time with the bounce houses. One of them has a giant slide. The girls wouldn't get off of it, so it's a good thing they had an extra hour with it.
We took off the girls' costumes so they could play as intensely as they desired. And they did.
Ella has recently discovered orange soda. She isn't aware of the fact that we could potentially buy it, and she could have it at home. I have no intention of telling her. For right now, it's just one of those things that she can have when we're out and about.
I'm not sure what it is, but the fishing game is always the most popular with my girls. They played it over and over (and over).
There was also a game that involved throwing a tennis ball into a bucket. It was surprisingly difficult, but DeLaynie enjoyed it.
Oh, and there was candy. They like candy, especially lolly-pops.
rachel said "OOOOOOOOOOO!!!! and where is the knight??"
Well, I went as Robin Hood, who was a retired knight, if that helps. :)
Edwin was the pizza delivery guy.
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