Thursday, September 3, 2009

DeLaynie's 3rd First Day of School

... and that's only since January! This is her third school to attend, her third set of teachers, and her third classroom. But she did just fine. She walked in, found the dollhouse that she fell in love with when we went to meet her teachers, and got to playing.

I, of course, took pictures as we left for this new experience. Allow me to say, it wasn't really necessary to wear a jacket, but it's so cute, and she looks so big in it. The illusion of age improved my emotional reaction to leaving her, or so I say.

As you may remember from "Belated Pictures" and "Another First Day of School", there is a certain picture that we have gotten in the habit of taking on DeLaynie's multitude of "first day of school" experiences. Never being one to break with tradition (yeah, right!), there you go!

Ella looks a tad-bit jealous here, doesn't she? I pretty much just yanked her (ever so gently) out of bed and got her dressed. Poor thing.

See how the jacket creates an aura of maturity?

I let her wear my bracelet until we got into the car. She really liked it.

As I'm hoping the pictures communicate, DeLaynie was pretty thoroughly giddy about going to school again. When we pulled into the parking lot, she started yelling excitedly, "My school! There it is! It's my school!" I can't wait to find out how her day went, and to see her again.

Oh, and my main (and only, for that matter) squeeze returns to us today! I can't wait to see my man again. Thanks for keeping all of us in your prayers during our time apart.


Brooke said...

That is a really cute jacket!

andiewade said...

those girls are lookin' way too grown up, and that jacket doesn't help anything.

His Jules said...

We are so excited for all of you in this new journey! The girls looks so happy and absolutely adorable. We need a very detailed synopsis of Delaynie's day. We are praying for all of you.

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

She is so pretty!

The Byrd's Nest said...

She does look really grown up...I pray she had an awesome day!

Oh how I miss those big pouty lips of my baby Ella....she makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hey De and Ella-did you find your popcorn bowls and your bubbles? Make sure Mom shows them to you.

Can't wait to see more pictures!!

I love you all!!


David and Katie Kizziah said...

I had to do some catch up reading on your recent posts. We are SO EXCITED for you guys and the opportunity that the Lord has providentially provided.

I love that you now live in a "village", I love Ella's sweet cheeks, and I love your grown-up girl! DeLaynie looks SO BIG! Praise the Lord for this new program. I pray that it will be a perfect fit for her! You are a strong Mommy! Thankfully God's grace is abundant and free!

Still can't believe you have moved to New York!