Friday, January 9, 2009

How You Can Pray For Us

People have asked how they can be praying for us. I figured that I'd go ahead and give a few specifics.

  • Work- We're in no threat of going hungry. We will be okay, even if we never get jobs, but for our own sanity, we would love to get some work. The pay doesn't need to be fabulous, and menial tasks are fine. It's more of an issue of finding part-time work that doesn't require Sundays and allows us to take turns taking care of the girls.
  • Adaptability- We will be moving again in April, June, and eventually to our new home in Nicaragua some time in the fall, or next winter. For young children, this is a lot of change. We'll be changing languages, and they'll be in the care of different people at each stop. I'll be back in full-time mommy mode when we arrive in Nica.
  • Preparation in the hearts of the people we encounter- Edwin and I will be building relationships and presenting the Gospel at every opportunity. Pray that God will be working in the lives of the people we meet, that they will become aware of their sin and that they will desire the grace of our wonderful, forgiving God.
  • Humility- What I am realizing is that pride, or a belief that we are somehow better than the people we will serve, is going to be an enemy to us and our work. If we can learn from the people in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, respect their culture, and gain from their wisdom, we will have a much better chance at adapting to their world, parenting our children well in the new culture, and reaching them. We're going into their world, and we are going to have to earn their respect by being respectful of them as they are.

We need your prayers. It is God's choice as to how He will answer. It will be His grace that sustains us in each and every phase of this journey. What a wonderful thing that we get to serve a big God, for whom nothing is impossible!

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